The sun is shining, Australia Day is around the corner, and BBQs are sizzling across the country.

BBQs are a great way for bringing people together and provide an easy and hassle free option for outdoor eating – they can also provide healthy and nutritious meals which keep you in shape and compliment a training regime.

Here are a few tips for making sure your BBQ is both healthy and delicious:

  • Meat is a staple at most BBQs, but be aware that some kinds are healthier than others. Some sausages can be around 25% fat, while a lean steak or chicken breast is around 5-6% fat
  • Even very lean meat can contribute excess kilojoules. 200g raw weight of a lean steak has around 65g of protein which is more than adequate for any recovery. If having multiple types of meat, reduce the portion size of each to around 80-100g to allow for a combination of protein types
  • Using marinades or rubs not only introduces interesting new flavours, but also reduces the need to add salt or excess sauces after cooking. There are some delicious ideas for marinades on the info sheet below
  • Kebabs are a great way to introduce more vegetables to a BBQ – have a look at the info sheet for recipe ideas
  • Coleslaw is a must at a BBQ. The recipe on the info sheet has used purple and green cabbage for the pops of colour it gives as well as the extra antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties it holds. Both types are also high in fibre and beneficial for gut and digestive health

You can read the full info sheet with recipes here: summer bbq

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